One thing people should keep in mind while discussing this is the why the original Fermilab distro (and Cern distro) which then became Scientific Linux was created, and why Fermilab continues to actively commit resources to SL. Remember Fermilab (and Cern) are particle accelerator facilities with million/billion dollar experiments that *must* have long-term guarantees of stable and supported software.

To make Scientific Linux a variant of Centos would be to introduce an unknown/uncontrollable element as a controlling factor in the mix. What if Centos pulled an Ubuntu and decided to start introducing controversial changes in an attempt to become more "user friendly" or to "win the desktop"?

A merging w/ Centos would need to carefully consider such issues.

On 01/08/14 11:53, Connie Sieh wrote:
We are in the process of researching/evaluating this news and how it impacts Scientific Linux.

-Connie Sieh

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