On 11/08/2014 06:55 PM, Jamie Duncan wrote:
Containers aren't anything like a chroot. A container as it's known in
RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux 7 is typically using docker (www.docker.com
<http://www.docker.com>) to manager SELinux, cgroups, and kernel
namespaces to provide better isolation. Docker has a process of using
read-only images to create copy-on-write filesystems (other options

They're incredibly interesting, and can be incredibly powerful. They're
also incredibly new to most users. A 'Containers 101' talk I've given
8-10 times is at

Hi Jamie,

Thank you!

disclosure - I work for Red Hat and spend some time working with docker).

SO YOU ARE THE ONE !!!!  Wait, I like Red Hat.  Never mind.
(I think I am funny!)



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