Hi Yasha Karant!

 On 2014.12.23 at 23:44:32 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote next:

> It appears that libpulse>=5.0 is required.  Any suggestions on how to get
> the appropriate RPM?

Well you can rebuild pulseaudio 5 from Fedora 21 (most likely it will
work just fine), but it looks to me like you did something wrong.
Pulseaudio libs are not a requirement. I checked and cmake here doesn't
check for them, also resulting lib isn't linked to pulseaudio. Not to
mention that SL7 has only pulseaudio 3 and this plugin works there.

I never tried using "freshplayerplugin-master.zip", I downloaded repo
with git (git clone https://github.com/i-rinat/freshplayerplugin.git)
after that make a directory inside and do "cmake .." from there.

Anyhow looking at configure output, looks like I forgot to mention that
devel packages for mesa-libEGL and libevent seem to be required too. I
just had them installed already so missed that part.

> Output is below from cmake as I attempted to build from
> freshplayerplugin-master.zip that was downloaded from



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