Hi Yasha Karant!

 On 2014.12.26 at 12:37:24 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote next:

> >Now, there can be two libevent versions (1.4 and 2) present on system,
> >but postgresql repo doesn't provide development package for libevent
> >1.4. So new packages will have to be built with libevent 2. If you
> >strictly need to build package against old libevent (I hope not), than
> >this way won't work for you unless you make your own rebuild of libevent
> >which solves this problem..
> >
> using the Add/Remove Software GUI:
> libevent-devel-2.0.19-1.rhel6 (i686)
> ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:
> libevent-1.4.so.2 is needed by nfs-utils-1:1.2.3-54.el6.i686
> Please report this error at 
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Red$20Hat$20Enterprise$20Linux$206&component=yum

I see.
It would've been better if you provided yum output, but I checked it
myself and know what happens.
The bugs were already filled (http://svn.pgrpms.org/ticket/73
http://svn.pgrpms.org/ticket/84) but it doesn't look like anyone cares.

Okay <bad advice mode>. The only solution I know will break the
system somewhat (well not exactly but rpm will think that system has a
conflict). It's up to you whether you want to do this; it worked for me.
I don't think it will cause any problems until newer version of libevent
will appear in postgresql repo; if it will, you'll have to a similar
trick again. This "conflict" shouldn't affect anything else on the
system besides these two rpms, but it's good to understand the

If you want to try it, do the following (please use yum & rpm, not some
strange GUI for tricks like that). 

yum install libevent  # to make sure you have libevent-2 and compat-libevent14 
yum install yum-utils # for yum-downloader
yumdownloader libevent-devel
rpm -i libevent-devel-2.*rpm --force

There you go. If you ever need to revert your system to old
(non-conflicting state), do
yum remove libevent-devel
yum reinstall compat-libevent14

Actually, if you manage to solve mesa problem, you can do it right away
after compiling freshplayer-plugin, as you won't be needing
libevent-devel package.
</bad advice mode>

As for "the consequences", the main consequence of this conflict is that
if you try to revert system to original state by just removing
libevent-devel *without* doing "yum reinstall compat-libevent14", your
system will be missing certain files. That is, when you use rpm with
"--force" switch you are agreeing with it overwriting files on
installing and removing files that still might be required on
uninstalling. As long as you know which package provides other versions
of this file (compat-libevent14) and overwritten files aren't
system-critical, creating such conflict for a short time (to build
another package) is somewhat tolerable (IMHO. In practice it's best to
do such things in separate VM or container, of course, but sometimes
there is no other choice..).



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