On 6/10/16 2:20 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Hi All,

Does anyone know if SL 7.x will read and write to and Apple
OSx's (GPT) formatted flash drives?

I know I can manipulate the partitions with gdisk.

I don't have a MAC kicking around to just look for myself.

Many thanks,

On 06/11/2016 12:12 PM, Joseph Areeda wrote:
Hi Todd,

• I can give this a try for you I'm a little confused. Pretty sure the partition tables are fine but I don't think you can use the Apple file system, Mac OS X extended.

 The  FAT or EX FAT file system are compatible, I use them often.

Let me know exactly what you want me to try I have a Mac running Yosemite with an SL 7 VM so it's easy.

Hi Jose,

I was looking for something that would allow for large file
transfer between MAC and Linux.  Apple is too busy poking
M$ in the eye and and complete on who can be the most
proprietary to support write on NTFS


Computers are like air conditioners.
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