I am looking for EL & RPMs of specific LaTeX utilities compatible with the TeX/LaTeX base/packages installed from the SL7 install DVD:






I have found these as installable images for other distros, including some Fedora. If these packages are available by some other mechanism such that the SL7 Latex system can download, compile, insert, etc., any of these, advice and instructions would be most appreciated.

As a fast LaTeX GUI front end, I use Texstudio that has a X86-64 CentOS 7 RPM available at the Texstudio Sourceforge site and that installs and runs fine under SL 7. The only WYSIWYG I have found is BaKoMaTeX that is licensed for fee (with actual pricing in Euros). Is there any licensed-for-free LaTeX WYSIWYG (not LyX that produces LaTeX but internally is not LaTeX)? Thus far, I have not found such a WYSIWYG.

Yasha Karant

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