On 12/28/2016 01:09 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
Well I'm hoping my multi-threaded code will actually be able to use
multiple CPU cores on Linux. its worked on Solaris for a long time but
for some reason its always been CPU core bound on Linux.
Also I would like to start a local Perl 6 work group for Perl 5
programmers looking to port their code. there is one for active Perl 6
projects but they don't want any one who doesn't already have an
active Perl 6 project to attend. I asked them very politely for a
clarification on their policy and didn't not get a response. I didn't
get a reply but I know other Perl 5 programmers who showed up looking
to get porting tips, and were asked to leave because they weren't
currently Perl 6 programmers, which is a very poor approach to take if
you really want to rebuild the Perl community.

These Perl 5 to Perl 6 converters might be of interest to you:



Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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