
Saw this discussion and found it interesting, got a somewhat half on topic question. I've been trying to decide on a language to learn, python and perl both stood out. There seems to be various discussions of why one is better than the other, and the pro's and con's of both. From what I've seen perl has been around longer than python and there are plenty of places to ask for help and lots of perl modules to use in your code. Python on the other hand seems newer, also has modules(probably less than perl), and has quite bit of community around too. However lately I've been seeing that there are more python projects than perl, making me think python might be the better one to go for. So I am more wondering what peoples opinions on this mailing list are when it comes to python or perl, that way I can consider the opinion of people who have been programming for a while before I make a decision to what I am going to do ;)

On 2016-12-30 02:03, prmari...@gmail.com wrote:
I couldn't agree more, usually when I go to an open source event if
the crowd is a good one they wind up going some where else after the
event is over and chat for hours.
Thanks for the links, I'll look into them even though I'm on too many
mailing lists already‎ :).

  Original Message  
From: ToddAndMargo
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 18:24
To: Paul Robert Marino
Cc: scientific-linux-users@fnal.gov
Subject: Re: Perl 6 just hit

On 12/28/2016 01:09 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
there is one for active Perl 6
projects but they don't want any one who doesn't already have an
active Perl 6 project to attend. I asked them very politely for a
clarification on their policy and didn't not get a response. I didn't
get a reply but I know other Perl 5 programmers who showed up looking
to get porting tips, and were asked to leave because they weren't
currently Perl 6 programmers, which is a very poor approach to take if
you really want to rebuild the Perl community.

I have found in all my years in this biz that when so called "experts" get
arrogant and condescending, it is usually because they don't
know what they are doing. The real experts love to talk and talk
about what they have learned. Sort of like letting the air out
of a compressed air container.

There is a Perl 6 mailing list with a bunch of great guys
over at


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