On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 2:52 AM, jdow <j...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> That sort of appears to be the case. I tried nuking it. There is still a
> libasound.so..... file from other RPMs. So it's likely still workable. This
> WAS the main gateway machine to the Internet here for a dozen or so
> 'thingies' on the network. At the moment all it is doing is spamassassin
> filtering for my partner. I've migrated (migrained?) the other functions off
> to the newer $400 wonder running 7.3 (as of today). This is fortunate. The
> disk in the older machine is starting to throw SMART pending sector errors.
> So now I can clear that disk off and donate the machine, perhaps with a
> recent FC on it, to the local SF club or something. Heh, donate it to the
> local home for people my age or older who can't get around but like really
> good puzzles. {^_-}

If it's throwing SMART errors, pull the drive. Please don't make some
kid sold a used compute have to deal with broken hardware.

> It's not so bad risking things like nuking a library from the system when
> it's not an important machine anymore.

And you have good backups. "rsnapshot" is my friend, and a big cheap
external drive these days can be a lifesaver to save a backup of this
before you decommission it.

> {^_^}   Joanne
> On 2017-01-27 23:43, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
>> On Fri, 27 Jan 2017, jdow wrote:
>>> Ran yum --releasever=6.7 update sl-release
>>> Same error going 6.6 to 6.7 as 6,6 to 6.x (6.8).
>>> Transaction Check Error:
>>>  file /lib64/libasound.so.2.0.0 from install of
>>> alsa-lib-1.1.0-4.el6.x86_64
>>> conflicts with file from package libasound2-

If you copied the image to a more reliable drive, you could start by
doing "yum check-update" to get all the available updates, then run a
script to do them *one at a time* After going through as many as
possible, you'll probably be left with a small list of components like
these that have a contorted upgrade path, and may require some manual
help. In this case, it looks like "libasound2-"
is definitely from ATrpms, as verified by looking it up at
https://rpm.pbone.net/. That website is also my friend.

>> I can't find libasound2 in the SL tree, although it is in ATrpms.

Yeah. I'd prepare to lose some sound features in the short term,
disable that repo while doing the upgrade, and yank that package until
the upgrade is over. ATrp[ms also seems to be pretty obsolete. That
libasound2 package is from 2011, as listed at

>> You may be trying to mix too many repos ...

Or using a seriously unmaintained one. Similar things have occurred to
Repoforge, which I really liked, but its maintainer decided to devote
his energies elsewhere. It was a shame, I used to publish major
Subversion updates there.

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