I am considering Inkscape as a technical illustration
tool for latex documents (papers and book chapters). 
Suggestions for better tools? 

I usually set up bash scripts (with lots of comments)
to automate the assembly of my documents, rather than
use graphic environments like openoffice. I am NOT
looking for a complete document design tool.

I have Inkscape running now in SL7.3, though it has
a strange rendering problem (overlaid windows leave
translucent ghosts) that I'll need to fix if I want
to use it for production.


P.S. I've used a hodgepodge of drawing tools over the
years for patents and papers and presentations and CAD.
Most are old and unsupported now, or worse, the tools
change interfaces to adopt the latest fashion.  I want
to think about my content, not admire the cleverness
of the toolmakers.  The best tools are like wallpaper,
and fade into the background.

Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com

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