On 07/09/2017 01:12 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
On Sun, 9 Jul 2017, Bruce Ferrell wrote:

OK, before the flames start I KNOW it's not normal.

Has anyone have a method to upgrade glibc beyond 2.12?

I've tried, but not succeeded so far, so would be interested
to hear from anyone else who has.

I would recommend *not* replacing glibc, but installing
the new version in a separate directory and using a wrapper
script to select the new glibc when required.

An example of one way to do this would be Richard Lloyd's
This includes an rpm chrome-deps-stable
which has a libstdc++.so with GLIBCXX_3.21 and lower
for google chrome on SL6.
Chrome 59 requires gtk3, which is not available on SL6,
so Richard has arranged that the latest version *un*installs chrome.

That was more or less the conclusion I'd come to and that is a semi nightmare 
to craft by hand.

Knowing I'm not the only person to have this sort of issue, I was hoping for 
something like Richards setup.  I'll have a look and tweak it to fit Calibre 3.

Oddly, the custom built elements of Calibre 3 demanding this, run elsewhere, 
built normally, on this system with the older glibc.

I've seen it before.  it starts out broken.  get's a "won't fix" and then down 
the road, somehow it's silently fixed.

sigh  more wasted time

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