On 07/09/2017 06:09 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 3:03 AM, Bruce Ferrell <bferr...@baywinds.org> wrote:
OK, before the flames start I KNOW it's not normal.

Has anyone have a method to upgrade glibc beyond 2.12?

I know sci 7 has 2.17, and except for the fact of it also having systemd I'd
consider a full on upgrade, but systemd is completely unacceptable.

Inquiring minds want to know
Run a VM, or a chroot cage with SL 7. "mock" builds usable chroot
cages for cross-platform compilation purposes, and there are numerous
working virtualization solutions ranging from Xen to KVM to VirtualBox
to run the more glibc inside of.

As much as I loathe certain aspects of systemd, I'm afraid that
holding back from newer operating systems is going to make you spend a
lot of resources and time that you can use more effectively elsewhere,
and urge you to spend the time to get more familiar with it and
prepare for the move to SL 7 and, at some future point, SL 8.

Nope. I do have systems that do run systemd. I'm well familiar with systemd. As I find time, I move them off. Virtually every foreseen issue with it has come true. 5+ years down the road, I'm still hearing "It's gonna be great!" and the advantages are still unseen.

I've even had some VERY odd side effects I never expected in places that should NEVER have noticed systemd was running (Apache had distro patches to accommodate systemd? Wha...?! No, they aren't upstream. fixed eventually, but no fun to diagnose).

I went through the packaging wars. I started on Slackware. RPM is and was better than tarballs and dpkg so I loaded my work horse (Dell R710) with Scientific Linux as that community seemed to not slavishly follow the new, shiny trends.

If that's changing, I may have to rebuild yet again to get away from the bloat and poorly 
thought out "stuff".

Anyway, soapbox mode off

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