It looks like they deleted everything and added an extra level 2 3 4 a b c etc 
or has it always been like that?
I only mirror 6/7 x64
-----Original message-----
> From:~Stack~ <>
> Sent: Monday 30th October 2017 12:08
> Subject: Re: EPEL Download
> On 10/29/2017 07:49 PM, Bill Maidment wrote:
> > Hi
> > Today I found out that EPEL had reorganized their repository structure 
> > without warning.
> > A 26 GB download ensued. Ouch. That's a quarter of my monthly quota.
> I too mirror for my site, but I only mirror x86_64 for 6/7. I haven't
> checked yet my mirror yet...what changed? I don't see anything obvious
> looking at my upstream mirror.
> ~Stack~

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