All sorted.
The second USB stick worked OK before doing the chroot.
-----Original message-----
> From:Bill Maidment <>
> Sent: Wednesday 24th January 2018 17:17
> To: R P Herrold <>
> Subject: RE: Problem recreating grub2 menu in SL7 dual boot with Win10
> Thanks for your response
> > Packages are partitioned into a main and sub-packages, so that 
> > the bloat of un-needed matter is avoided.  UEFI is relatively 
> > new, and until Windows 10, not really mandated by Microsoft 
> > installations.  Also the needed hardware (a TPM chip) was not 
> > universally present, and so that sub-package would seem to be 
> > bloat to most people
> Understood.
> > As to how to get a copy, using an second machine to retrieve 
> > the needed package, and placing it on a data stick comes to  
> > mind.
> But how to get it into the system that can only be booted in rescue mode from 
> my USB stick?
> I will try using a second USB stick
> Cheers
> Bill

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