> From:Nico Kadel-Garcia <nka...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Wednesday 24th January 2018 23:55
> To: Bill Maidment <b...@maidment.me>
> Cc: R P Herrold <herr...@owlriver.com>; SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS@FNAL.GOV 
> Subject: Re: Problem recreating grub2 menu in SL7 dual boot with Win10
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 4:22 AM, Bill Maidment <b...@maidment.me> wrote:
> > All sorted.
> > The second USB stick worked OK before doing the chroot.
> Good. I was wondering why the first stick didn't have network enabled
> when it booted. Not all drivers work perfectly from some USB sticks
> and the minimal kernel present on them, but I've certainly used them
> myself to do recovery work.

The first USB stick was used to boot, but wireless network didn't work. I 
didn't try wired network. It could have been I was trying to use the network 
within chroot.
The second USB stick was used in addition to the first, to convey the fastbugs 
rpm files I needed. That was successful, but then I found the boot partition 
had been corrupted, so I reinstalled SL7 again and recovered my data from 
An interesting learning experience.

> I'm trying to figure out why you're doing dual boot. Does the Windows
> box not have enough resources to run VirtualBox, and run your working
> Linux in a VM ? I've found that very useful for development work,
> since Steam doesn't work as well on Linux boxes to give access to
> games I might like to play with all resources available.

I'm using dual boot rather than VirtualBox because I find the idea of running 
Linux under Windows abhorrent.
I may eventually rebuild the laptop as SL7 only.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions Nico.

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