> On May 24, 2018, at 2:17 PM, Bill <r.w.as...@boeing.com> wrote:
> I am creating a custom installation ISO using kickstart.  This install ISO is 
> based on SL 7.2.
> When I burn a DVD from this ISO I can boot from the DVD and the install menu 
> come up as expected.  
> When I use dd to copy the ISO to a USB key and try to boot from the USB key 
> the install menu does not appear and the system boots from the hard drive.  
> I tried using dd to copy the SL7.2 ISO to a USB key.  When I try to boot from 
> this USB key the install menu comes up as expected.
> What files on the SL7.2 have to do with booting from the USB key?

“Any if them”, especially the boot loader, which is normally written *before* 
the partition information and superblicks for the filesystem. That was what 
“dd” copies first which file copies would not copy.

> Is there a mkisofs option I should be using to make booting USB key work?

“dd” is your friend. There are many guidelines for building bootable cd’s you 
could review, but you can probably save a lot of work not using that.

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