A quick search suggests there are some problems in this regard. Ideal is "don't install the cloud related modules in the first place." If you have you can uninstall or disable the cloud service initialization. If you have been running awhile you may have to create new ssh etc keys. Installing the cloud "stuff" apparently alters the keys.

VMs are an excellent way to test the install process for these kinds of pitfalls and find workarounds. They seem to be highly recommended.
{^_^}  Joanne

On 20191003 09:43:21, Dave Dykstra wrote:

There are typically lots of rough edges for the first few point releases
in RHEL major releases.  They need people to test and report problems
including instructions on how to reproduce the problems in order to get
them fixed for later.  I wouldn't expect it to be suitable for
production use until 8.2 or 8.3.


On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 05:02:12PM -0400, Larry Linder wrote:
Nothing should be this hard to configure and set up.

1. The install did not recognize two other disks on system.
if you run "fs" you get a list of disks and a number of /tmp partitions.
When you try to edit "fstab" it is non-sensical.  Didn't try to run
"mount" as the man pages are not what you see. !!!!

2. Video is basic VGA and it ignored my GForce dual monitor card.

3. Tried to install printers and didn't see "cups" even though I
selected it to install.

4.  I tried to run a couple of our linux cad packages and bash could not
run the process.  Permissions and ownership was Checked but no luck.

5.  Even setting up the sytem name and UID to what we use on the other
systems had to be manually.  Graphic network didn't give you a clue.

6.  When it shuts down you have to pound on the key-board and try every
key and then after a long time it finally wakes up.  Couldn't what key
did it.
Just don't have time to screw with it.

After spending two days I gave up.
This whole think looks like a very low level business workstation for
the mentally challanged.  Run my IBM computer the way I designed it or
just go away.  You can only run my programs you can download.  Most look
retarded such as "CHEESE" is there a connection between title and
function - its a major stretch of the immagination.

It wants you use a cloud for everything - we don't want to use the cloud
for anything.  Our internet provider sometimes takes a 1/2 hr nap during
the day.  Its very fast when it works.  (Spectrum) - AT&T in our
location was hopeless, bad service, bad price.

For now we are going to upgrade all systems to SL 7.7 and then look for
a linux that is usefull for real engineering, manufacturing and

The labs should look at building there own.

Any suggestions?

I will go back to work and give up on centos 8.  If I had purchased
RedHat 8 I would be really p****ed for getting ripped off.

Larry Linder

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