On Sat, Oct 05, 2019 at 01:25:32PM -0400, Larry Linder wrote:
> Centos 8 problems.
> 1. We noticed that the mouse wheel has changed direction - why after 40
> years. This should be removed.

"get used to it". Apple and Microsoft decreed that the mouse wheel should
go same direction as touch pad. never mind that it broke the scroll bars.

> 4.  There does not appear to be a C Shell.  We have 100's of usefull
> scripts that don't work.  The man pages are there but no /bin/csh.

The "C-shell" was never liberated from the AT&T UNIX. What you though
was the C-shell, was actually the T-shell (tcsh). Maybe el8 forgot to
symlink /bin/csh -> /bin/tcsh.

> 5.   We were able to install NVidea drivers but it still didn't work.
> You have a couple of commands to run to set default to nvidea driver.
> This is the only thing that has worked.

NVidia is spelled NVidia, with an "i".

> 6.   When you drag a terminal to the desktop and click to select it.  It
> rearranges all the other desktop terminal windows.

Dragging things ruins the floor finish, do not do it. Terminals are for typing,
if they were meant to be moved, they would be on wheels.

> 7.   Focus follows the mouse was one of the most useful things when
> putting data into other documents or spreadsheets.  Without it it makes
> doing my bank ledger almost impossible.

There was always a per-user setting to change this. Surely they did
not remove it in their always-war on users?

> 8.   Simple things are now complicated and require 3 to 4 time more
> mousing around to accomplish a simple task.

You should try a Mac or Windows, even worse there.

> 9.   After fixing the mouse direction we cannot even run "yum"  Checked
> permissions and paths but bash can't find it.

Surely /usr/bin/yum works? But did they not replace yum with dnf? Or they
did but changed the name back to yum? And kept the package names as dot-rpm
but changed the compression method to ensure lack of compatibility with old

> 10   The neat little GUI that allowed you to set up users, groups,
> specify UID, home directory and shell for users is gone too.  It all
> back to the command line.

Yup, the good old system-config-xxx GUIs have been disappearing one-by-one
with each release.

> 12    "fstab is now jiberish and the man pages have not changes.  I need
> to add a couple of directories the install disk partitions the insall
> did not install.

It is not gibberish. It is "mount by UUID". (find 10 differences).

> 15    Setting up network and fixed IP's was a major major cammand line
> exercise.  The old utility that made it easy is now gone.

Welcome to the world of nm-connection-editor and "vi /etc/sysconfig/files".

> 16    None of my CAD / CAM packages work!  So there is nothing to plot.

I wonder if altera quartus works...

> 17    Last step is to reinstall SL 7.6 with KDE  on text box and call it done.


> I hate to say this:
> The most productive system in the shop is SL 5.11 running KDE 3.4.

IMHO, SL6 was the "peak linux" from Red Hat. Downhill from there.

> Centos 8 is a major loss to the engineering community!!!

Nobody uses RHEL/CentOS. Even at CERN, the home of "CERN Linux" (CentOS-based),
the developers of ROOT do not use it for their development.

> RedHat & Centos has laid a big Egg.  The product should be recalled as a
> defective product as its basically useless.

Nah, you are just the "wrong user".

> I would advise anyone who is a unix / linux user to not even bother with
> installing it, 

I will have to try it, cannot reject it without trying first-hand.

> If Red Hat were smart they would look at all the good stuff that has
> worked for years and make sure new OS included them and they would have
> a winner.  They may not be fancy but they work.

Instead, we have systemd, a fight with ZFS, removal of NIS, removal of KDE, 
removal of ...

> Now if Apple made the Mac OS available at a reasonable cost Window 10
> and Linux would simply cese to exist.

Instead, Apple is killing MacOS by stopping to build computers. Look
at the latest offerings: keyboard partially replaced with an 
glass touchpad, remaining keyboard keys mostly work (check the class-action 
lawsuit about
faulty keyboards), but Apple are looking at "making the keyboard more thin".

> You always have to remind your self it take time it costs money.
> If it a good product the customer will be on your door step with cash in
> hand.  If there are no customers things will go cold and dark and you
> will become hungry.

They found another profit center - make cat-video machines for the mass
market (capture cat videos, post them on youtube; watch cat videos on youtube,
this is the full list of supported functions).

> Another weekend almost shot- I am going back to sleep.

Not for me. I am heading for this (today, dancing; tomorrow, playing the music)


> Larry Linder
> I reminds me of the release of Windows 3.0 in early 90's that only did
> business cards and nothing else.  It was pretty short lived
> On Thu, 2019-10-03 at 17:24 -0700, jdowjunkm...@earthlink.net wrote:
> > A quick search suggests there are some problems in this regard. Ideal is 
> > "don't 
> > install the cloud related modules in the first place." If you have you can 
> > uninstall or disable the cloud service initialization. If you have been 
> > running 
> > awhile you may have to create new ssh etc keys. Installing the cloud 
> > "stuff" 
> > apparently alters the keys.
> > 
> > VMs are an excellent way to test the install process for these kinds of 
> > pitfalls 
> > and find workarounds. They seem to be highly recommended.
> > {^_^}  Joanne
> > 
> > On 20191003 09:43:21, Dave Dykstra wrote:
> > > Larry,
> > > 
> > > There are typically lots of rough edges for the first few point releases
> > > in RHEL major releases.  They need people to test and report problems
> > > including instructions on how to reproduce the problems in order to get
> > > them fixed for later.  I wouldn't expect it to be suitable for
> > > production use until 8.2 or 8.3.
> > > 
> > > Dave
> > > 
> > > On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 05:02:12PM -0400, Larry Linder wrote:
> > >> Nothing should be this hard to configure and set up.
> > >>
> > >> 1. The install did not recognize two other disks on system.
> > >> if you run "fs" you get a list of disks and a number of /tmp partitions.
> > >> When you try to edit "fstab" it is non-sensical.  Didn't try to run
> > >> "mount" as the man pages are not what you see. !!!!
> > >>
> > >> 2. Video is basic VGA and it ignored my GForce dual monitor card.
> > >>
> > >> 3. Tried to install printers and didn't see "cups" even though I
> > >> selected it to install.
> > >>
> > >> 4.  I tried to run a couple of our linux cad packages and bash could not
> > >> run the process.  Permissions and ownership was Checked but no luck.
> > >>
> > >> 5.  Even setting up the sytem name and UID to what we use on the other
> > >> systems had to be manually.  Graphic network didn't give you a clue.
> > >>
> > >> 6.  When it shuts down you have to pound on the key-board and try every
> > >> key and then after a long time it finally wakes up.  Couldn't what key
> > >> did it.
> > >> Just don't have time to screw with it.
> > >>
> > >> After spending two days I gave up.
> > >> This whole think looks like a very low level business workstation for
> > >> the mentally challanged.  Run my IBM computer the way I designed it or
> > >> just go away.  You can only run my programs you can download.  Most look
> > >> retarded such as "CHEESE" is there a connection between title and
> > >> function - its a major stretch of the immagination.
> > >>
> > >> It wants you use a cloud for everything - we don't want to use the cloud
> > >> for anything.  Our internet provider sometimes takes a 1/2 hr nap during
> > >> the day.  Its very fast when it works.  (Spectrum) - AT&T in our
> > >> location was hopeless, bad service, bad price.
> > >>
> > >> For now we are going to upgrade all systems to SL 7.7 and then look for
> > >> a linux that is usefull for real engineering, manufacturing and
> > >> business.
> > >>
> > >> The labs should look at building there own.
> > >>
> > >> Any suggestions?
> > >>
> > >> I will go back to work and give up on centos 8.  If I had purchased
> > >> RedHat 8 I would be really p****ed for getting ripped off.
> > >>
> > >> Larry Linder
> > >>   
> > > 

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

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