I actually like the enp3s0 naming convention. It maps directly to the pci 
addresses. For instance, an 'lspci' shows my ethernet controller at

> 00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82579LM Gigabit Network 
> Connection (Lewisville) (rev 04)

The 00:19.0 translates to enp0s25. 00 is p0, 19 is s25 (0x19). For multi-nic 
even single nic machines, I can specify the network device exactly in my 
kickstart scripts.

There is a very nice description of this new naming convention at


On 3/17/20 3:13 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

> enp3s0 is now the bunny, and it's by default using systemd based DHCP
> running under NetworkManager. I'm not happy, but do *not* try to reset
> the ethernet device name to eth0. And I urge you to stop trying to
> replace those scripts, you'll hurt yourself.

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