After accepting
yum downgrade libgpod
kdenlive still would not load/run because of unsatisfied symbols.
kdenlive: symbol lookup error: /lib64/ undefined symbol:
Doing a bit of digging on the web, I discovered the two additional yum
commands needed:
yum update freetype-devel [add this dependency]
yum install harfbuzz [add this dependency]
At this point, kdenlive does run, but with the following:
missing package Breeze icons
codecs libvpx, libvpx-vp9 not found
yum install breeze-icon-theme [add this dependency]
solves the Breeze icon issue
[root@localhost ykarant]# yum install libvpx
Loaded plugins: langpacks, nvidia
Repository sl is listed more than once in the configuration
Package libvpx-1.3.0-5.el7_0.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
How does one find what is needed to install the two libvpx codecs? Any
help would be appreciated.
Stay safe. Take care.
Yasha Karant