
Thank you for posting the item below.  For a progress report:

Using yumex, removing the opera repo that could not be found, and eliminating one conflicting package from the list of RPMs (making a guess as to which specific one needed to be removed, as I use the proprietary Nvidia Xwindows RPM and the conflict referenced nvidia, but not the actual kernel driver and related interfaces), I now have a SL 7.8 system on my laptop workstation.  The issues with Firefox and Thunderbird seem to be resolved, and thus far, all of the applications I have tested, both those supplied by an EL repo as well as others (e.g., Nero Linux, Qoppa PDF Studio Pro, Grace, Paraview, UCSF Chimera, VMWare Player, VirtualBox, etc.) all seem to be working.  Thus, the system was left in an unstable state when I did just enough to get Kdenlive to run.  As it is almost midnight local time, I again have access to my university's IMAP and SMTP server (that in fact are for-fee Microsoft Exchange "cloud" services, throttled based upon the fee structure) as the systems at this hour of the night are not over-subscribed.

Other than for security patches, is SL 7.8 the end of SL 7?  If so, the next change I shall institute probably will be to Ubuntu 20 LTS that is due summer 2020.  I know that the home directory and related non-systems directories are portable from SL 7 to Ubuntu 18 LTS and thus probably to Ubuntu 20 LTS, as I copied all of my wife's such directories from a conventional laptop running SL 7 to her new Dell 2-in-1 that she needs to provide an on-line chalkboard (e.g., a written virtual paper tablet using Stylus Labs write that does work with the Dell stylus -- only the internal microphone cannot be made to work because Dell will not release in any form the microphone code that is incorporated into the Dell supplied Ubuntu port that was used by Canonical Ubuntu to "certify" the machine as Linux supported -- Dell evidently will not allow that machine with Dell Ubuntu to be sold in the USA market, only a MS Win version).  Once I installed Ubuntu LTS MATE, everything worked on her machine, and I suspect it will work on this one as well.  Of course, I will image all of my personal, etc., directories onto a USB external harddrive from which I shall copy back to this machine once Ubuntu LTS is installed.  At this point, I am not considering going to either CentOS or Oracle EL 8.

As we have a residential DSL Internet connection, the yumex upgrade from start to successful reboot lasted approximately 5 hours.  I had to wait until there were no Zoom sessions being required.

Stay safe.  Take care.

Yasha Karant

On 4/23/20 11:01 AM, John Pilkington wrote:
I'm forwarding this at Yasha's request, and have added some extra info.

On 23/04/2020 17:29, Yasha Karant wrote:
Thank you for the kind reply.   Because the USA for most purposes has an Internet infrastructure similar to the USA "health care" system in that it is amongst the most expensive but with poorer results than many other nations with lower costs (e.g., USA internal deregulation for profiteering), the university email server is not responding due to the much higher than anticipated (by the university information technology experts, not by myself and others) traffic load. Thus, I am requesting that if you do not know the answer, you kindly relay this email to the SL list, as my login thereunder is limited to my university email address.

After performing the necessary steps (additional and/or revised packages) for Kdenlive to start, neither my current Firefox nor Thunderbird are operational.  Given an understanding of both Murphy's Law and O'Toole's Corollary, I keep multiple access applications and routes open.   In this case, I am using Seamonkey that seems to be functioning.  Because I use the current production versions of both Firefox and Thunderbird from Mozilla, etc., not the distro, I did use yum to install the distro versions -- same issue.  I also did a full cold reboot in the event that some stale information (a cached internal .so entry, etc.) was causing the issue (not really fully using the updates), but again, no Firefox, no Thunderbird.  I currently am backing-up via cp -pRa all of my "local" files, including home, opt, and usr/local in the event that I must do a major re-install.

I installed kdenlive from the rpmfusion-updates repo via yumex on 22 April, the day after the update (485 packages at first, then 49 more) to SL7.8.  53 packages were 'altered' by the kdenlive install, and no issues were reported. The epel repo is required too, and I use the elrepo-lt kernels.

When I started kdenlive it complained about missing packages, and the ones you mentioned sound familiar, but I ignored them and it started.  I haven't actually used it for anything yet, and need to find a howto.  No problems seen with Firefox, Thunderbird or the kdenvironment.

My immediate plan once the copy to an external USB harddrive is completed, is to upgrade SL 7 to the latest supported release. I do recall that both yum from a terminal application and yumex in a GUI can do this.  Could you kindly remind me what are the steps

If the system
fails to (re)boot, etc., then a fresh install is required as the simplest alternative, and I shall change to Ubuntu LTS current that is satisfactory on my wife's machine save for one thing:  there does not appear to be any Ubuntu LTS equivalent to this SL list.

Keep safe.  Take care.

Kind regards

Yasha Karant

John Pilkington wrote:
On 23/04/2020 06:53, Yasha Karant wrote:
After accepting

yum downgrade libgpod

kdenlive still would not load/run because of unsatisfied symbols.

kdenlive: symbol lookup error: /lib64/ undefined symbol: hb_font_funcs_set_font_h_extents_func

Doing a bit of digging on the web, I discovered the two additional yum commands needed:

yum update freetype-devel  [add this dependency]

yum install harfbuzz   [add this dependency]

At this point, kdenlive does run, but with the following:

missing package Breeze icons

codecs libvpx, libvpx-vp9 not found

yum install breeze-icon-theme  [add this dependency]

solves the Breeze icon issue

[root@localhost ykarant]# yum install libvpx
Loaded plugins: langpacks, nvidia
Repository sl is listed more than once in the configuration
Package libvpx-1.3.0-5.el7_0.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

How does one find what is needed to install the two libvpx codecs? Any help would be appreciated.

Stay safe.  Take care.

Yasha Karant

There may be a problem here.  ISTR that kde/plasma in el7 needs the version of libvpx that you have now.  I use MythTV which normally 'requires' libvpx >= 1.4.0   I don't have vpx material, so I just build without libvpx.

John P

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