I still haven't learned how to tweak Gnome 3 so it looks
and operates like Gnome 2. 

I dislike video games, which most user desktops seem to
be evolving towards.  I dislike icons replacing text;
I learned to read decades ago, and I can't grep icons.
I use Mate (a gnome 2 clone with gnome 3 underneath)
for my large-screen SL7 systems; works OK. 

I've done my feeble best to compile Mate for CentOS 8; my
result is not completely broken, but not ready for use.
Some of the graphics fails.  "Mate8" seems to leak memory.

Mate character rendering (SL7 and C8) is fuzzy, just like
all gnome3 character rendering.  No big deal on a 4K*X
pixel screen, quite a problem on a portable 1K*X pixel
screen.  Xterm renders fine, as sharp as gnome2, but
xterm isn't as versatile as gnome2- and mate-terminal.

Are there other Gnome2/Mate dinosaurs on this list?

Perhaps we can combine efforts so the gaping holes in our
understanding don't completely overlap.  If nothing else,
perhaps we can develop a list of setup steps to disinfect
gnome3 and make it smell less gamy.  

Then we can go back to our research, and stop distracting
others from their tweets, popup ads, and cute cat videos.


Keith Lofstrom          kei...@keithl.com

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