On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 8:29 PM Teh, Kenneth M.
<00000864eace5c83-dmarc-requ...@listserv.fnal.gov> wrote:
> This is probably heresy to you but I'll pitch it anyway. I'm also a terminal, 
> command line person, having started with AIX in '89, and VMS before that.
> I've been using Fedora with gnome 3 now for the past 3 years after I ran into 
> problems with outdated development tools.  It is surprisingly very command 
> line friendly. I invoke all my apps from the keyboard  The Super (Windows) 
> key is your friend.  Hit Super and type the name of the app, and up pops its 
> window.  And it does name completion as well showing your possible matched 
> options after having typed only the first few letters of the app's name. And 
> if you don't care to type the name, super and tab to "scroll" down the icons 
> of your favorites on the dock, and hit return.
> And since CentOS is essentially Fedora-based, the file layouts are identical. 
> I remember struggling to find files, even the package names when I had to put 
> Ubuntu on a newly-bought laptop.
> My biggest concern was the rapid obsolescence. But I've learned to deal with 
> it.  The upgrade is painless and the dnf system-upgrade has worked without 
> any problems from 27 to 31 which is where I am now.
> Well, just my 2 bits.
> Good luck.

It's why I publish RPM building tools for vtwm, at
  Still works fine on CentOS
8, SL 7, and Fedora 32. It's *amazing* how much more stable software
can be when you KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)

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