Am 21.11.20 um 15:53 schrieb Takashi Ichihara:
> Hi ALL,
> As you are well known, cernlib is supported in SL6 (RHEL6) as an
> official fedora EPEL project.
> While SL6 will reach EOS November 30, there are a few researchers who
> are still using cernlib.
> Is there any porting of cernlib to SL7 (RHEL7) ?
> There seems to be a porting to the recent Ubuntu Linux:
> Thank you for your information.
> Best regards,
> Takashi Ichihara (RIKEN)

Takashi san,

please be aware that this port is no longer supported, my colleagues who
were involved in it have already retired.

Götz Waschk
Götz Waschk                            ° Phone:  +49 33762 77169
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY  ° Fax:    +49 33762 77216
Platanenallee 6                        ° E-Mail:
15738 Zeuthen Germany

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