On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 11:53:06PM +0900, Takashi Ichihara wrote:
> Is there any porting of cernlib to SL7 (RHEL7) ?

The big problem is removal of the "g77" Fortran compiler from GCC (maintainer 

It's supposed replacement, "gfortran", was originally written to the Fortran-90 
and did not know anything about Fortran-4, Fortran-77, VAX and IBM extensions,
and could not compile most HEP-style Fortran codes. (the goals and targets of 
gfortran have
changed since then, but I doubt they include "must compile cernlib!").

If you must run cernlib codes, I think simplest is to cross-compile them - run
SL4 or SL5 (whatever was the last one to have g77) in a VM, build your code
as a statically linked executable (so it does not depend on any shared 
libraries) -
copy to your real computer and run there. A statically linked executable will
usually run on any version of SL or Ubuntu or ... , as it does not care about
shared libraries.

But also look at the ROOT distribution - they include something called 
in misc/minicern/src - maybe it is enough for what you need?

My general advice on this topic was always - learn C++ and ROOT - as all 
of things Fortran is fading away as people retire and/or move on.

Most of the stuff that made cernlib so useful have now been migrated into ROOT,
minuit, geant3, you name it.

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

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