here goes, all on physical machines.

sl6, macos: no numfmt, sorry

ubuntu lts 20.04, centos-7, rhel-8 (ahem!):

$ echo 0 | numfmt

perhaps your 80387 chip is faulty. (happened to us once
on an R3000/R3010 SGI workstation)


On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 06:17:26PM -0600, ~Stack~ wrote:
> Greetings,
> Curious if anyone else can replicate this. I initially saw this in a
> certain upstream vendor 7.9, but I'm having issues replicating it
> and it's only in a certain environment (virtual and I've done
> strange and awful things to that as I've been trying to understand
> an unrelated project). However, I was trying to figure out if it was
> other places as well. Sure enough, I can replicate it on every
> single one of my SL 7.9 instances that I've tested.
> The short, numfmt should not return 'nan' when passed a zero.
> $ echo 0 | numfmt
> nan
> $ rpm -q coreutils
> coreutils-8.22-24.el7_9.2.x86_64
> If I try on any other distro (Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS 8), it returns 0
> as it should.
> $ echo 0 | numfmt
> 0
> $ rpm -q coreutils
> coreutils-8.30-8.el8.x86_64
> I may not be able to replicate it as reliably as I would prefer on
> upstream vendor, but every single SL 7.9 system I've tried has had
> coreutils-8.22-24.el7_9.2.x86_64 and incorrectly returns 'nan'.
> I'm hoping the devs can confirm and/or offer suggestions.
> Thanks!
> ~Stack~

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

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