On 5/4/21 3:42 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
You state that there will not be a CentOS 9 and only a CentOS Stream perpetual alpha or beta channel.  I thought that IBM RH would not directly release buildable production EL source, but would channel it under a CentOS moniker.  CentOS Stream is *NOT* production source.  How does IAS Springdale, Rocky, Alma, etc., get buildable production source for IBM RHEL9?  Does one have to buy the source from IBM RH? Will IBM RH or another IBM entity house the production source for the current production EL?  What about the defect correction, including security defects, as well as minor release, update production source?

I encourage you to watch Troy's video posted earlier.

RHEL employees answer these questions.  CentOS Stream will be released as a new point release every 3 years, and end after 5 (same as RHEL general support).  CentOS Stream is the continuous integration that later becomes the minor point releases for RHEL. RedHat intends to continue to supply the RHEL source as they have been and is not making any effort to hinder the rebuilders (Alma, Princeton, Rocky, etc).

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