If I understand your (Leon) interpretation of the IBM RH EULA, those who *START* from the actual, official, IBM RH source used for IBM RH EL, not that which is released currently as CentOS, violates that EULA. Before CentOS became part of RH, later IBM RH, ("became part" is a WTO legal acquisition of intellectual property, such as logos, not necessarily personnel, etc), what did CentOS use? If the only EULA allowed "source" for IBM RH EL is CentOS, not the actual IBM RH EL source, the only way to determine the fidelity of the CentOS source to the IBM RH EL source is for an entity (person?) who has a license to acquire the IBM RH EL source and do a string by string comparison. The only differences should be logos and the like. If the differences are build order, building methods, etc., one could envision latent defects and the like between the IBM RH EL installable "binaries" and the equivalent CentOS output file -- such latent defects should not be present if all compilers (including the "same" compiler save for release version) were defect-for-defect identical, and there were no loading/construction stream order defects (crudely, not revealed if A is built before B, but revealed if B is built before A).

Yasha Karant

On 5/5/21 3:17 AM, Leon Fauster wrote:
On 05.05.21 01:11, Mark Rousell wrote:
On 04/05/2021 23:41, Leon Fauster wrote:
The source are at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__git.centos.org&d=DwICaQ&c=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA&r=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A&m=0Cvrr_2WDkcsrPdHGtY_tjL0G9TG69QDuL7UWeyXUhc&s=ujZIUv5p_MGjr0gtRL9D7zIJAitkNauyt8wOXo1WxwQ&e=

That's CentOS isn't it? That's fine if one wants to try and build CentOS but if one is building a RHEL clone (with Red Hat proprietary IP removed of course) then one would need the RHEL sources. The RHEL sources are available from https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__access.redhat.com_downloads_&d=DwICaQ&c=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA&r=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A&m=WwimKFFTyT3RShYiLFCGJpfGoLSUOFCE0z0_KBEyonY&s=TeQZDfODXKCZcEMTkVQuDIuZmOkbTDT3Q1tUmniPwKY&e= as long as you have a suitable account.

And, in any case, after CentOS 8 support ends then the only CentOS sources will be CentOS Stream sources which, as has been discussed at length, will not be suitable for many use cases.

Just to rephrase it: RHEL SOURCES are at the mentioned git server
and before RHEL7 it where on there FTP servers.

After EOL of C8 the sources should be still be pushed into git.

Using other SRPMS (like out of a RH Account) should be against
RH's EULA. Remember, when your intention is to build a clone.

Rocky is consuming via git.centos.org and Alma should also using it.
BTW, its questionable where the sources for AL8.4beta is coming
from ...?

AFAIK: The future will show if this all will be moved to gitlab ...

Thats so far my understanding.


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