Hi, Larry, obviously you are not limited to using USB and DVD install media,
you can "dd" the install image to an HDD or SSD, boot and install from that.

Not sure about your Gigabyte BS problems. I use ASUS mobos exclusively because
BIOS is BS free.


On Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 05:26:21PM -0500, Larry Linder wrote:
> Planning to upgrade a number of WS's to Alma 8.5.
> I need to ask them a question but their web site says my brouser is too
> old.  So I can't ask them a question about installing Alma 8.5
> Since some developers monitor this web page.  I was hoping to get a
> question answered by the back door.
> Problem:  We have a number of GigaByte 970A DS3 Version 2 (black MB)
> The bios on these MB will not boot from a USB Flash.  Most of the stuff
> on the internet is Noixe.  
> I can load Alma 8.5 minimal but need the full version that will not fit
> on a DVD.  I have it on a USB Flash but it will not boot.
> Is there there anyway to load alma 8.5 minimal and later update via the
> internet or ??? to the full 8.5 version.
> I have asked Gigabyte Support for a specific Bios update to remove the
> security BS.  They are working on finding it !  I know the bios update
> version number but it does not exist anymore.
> I would be nice to be able to disable security to install a system and
> then turn it back on.  I guess it too logical.
> Maybe I should consult Dilbert.  Got two new Dilbert books for Christmas
> - there really a hoot.  Reminds me of a place where I used to work.
> Happy New Year
> Larry Linder

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

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