Manuel Mussini said...
|Could you help me a little more to understand the syntax?
|It's not clear to me what "cat <<Z" and "Z" do!

That's covered in the man pages for the shells, but
basically it delimits a "here document".  It tells
the shell to temporarily redirect STDIN to the script
between the occurances of Z.  It says, "use this data
as if you were reading from a file".

|In addition to that ... what do I need to configure to let this work? I'm
|not able to run it on all my desktops so probably something is set
|different! I get no error but I do not receive the mail!

Are they all running the same OS?
Are they all running the same mail server software (postfix, sendmail, 
Have you checked that the mail server is actually running on each system?
Are they config'd the same WRT the mail server?
Does other mail from those systems get through?
Is security set hte same on all desktops (iptables, SELinux, etc)?


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