On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 11:40:41AM +0200, Manuel Mussini wrote:
> You're right!
> The mail server was not correctly configured by my system administrator! Now
> it works fine!
> Reading "man mail" and "man sendmail" I've not found any hint about
> attaching files to the mails!

For attaching files to mails or sending the program mpack can be
a suitable solution. This is a utility though and not in standard linux
distributions. I don't believe that mail or sendmail are capable
of doing attachments automatically. You have to prepare the MIME
attachment by some other means.

> BTW I suppose it is possible! Isn't it?
> Is there a complete documentation for these two great applications?
> I think there could be other interesting tricks to learn about them! :-)
> Bye...

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies (at) rwth-aachen.de

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