AnsiC Soft wrote:
i configure my wifi card atheros on my notebook,  i using this
but thic can't help me,
now i can scan wifi network in my home, but  i can't  connect :/
in gnome network manager i can manualy configure my NIC but I can't
connect  (option "wireless network is disable (dark grey)"

i using asus x51 notebook, with SL 5.2
i  search  groups archiv but i didn't find any solution.

thanks for any help

Did you actually enable rpmforge in your yum? Or just use the madwifi that is in Scientific Linux?
  rpm -qa | grep madwifi | sort

Also, do you have NetworkManager turned on? And is it set to turn on during bootup? (By default NetworkManger isn't turned on by default)

  /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start
  /sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 NetworkManager on

And finally, as John asked, what messages are you getting in /var/log/messages

Troy Dawson  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI LMSS Group

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