Winnie Lacesso wrote:
On Mon, 8 Feb 2010 Troy Dawson wrote
Looks like we didn't get enough testing done, and maybe rrdtool doesn't
really need to be in the plain SL release. I have no problem pulling it out
of the release and having people just install it from dag or EPEL,
whichever they prefer. Since it hasn't gotten into any final release, this
isn't that much of a problem, I just need to take it out of the
repositories. Does anyone *really* need it in the release? Is there any
real reasons why people can't get it from dag and/or EPEL after they are

Someone answered:
If these packages *need* the particular version of rrdtool
I suggest that it might not be ready for an SL release.
If they only have tight dependencies because the package build
put precise version into the package, then those packages
ought to be remade.

So no, I don't feel that SL needs to have rrdtool.

Is there ever going to be a solution? Now installing ganglia, the gmetad node never can nightly yum update except by hand, due to rrdtool version clashes in public SL mirrors.
Sorry about that.
They are now *really* taken out.
You might need to do a
  yum clean all

Troy Dawson  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LSCS/CSI/USS Group

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