On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 8:51 AM, umage <theultram...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to install SL5.5 using the two dvd iso files into a virtual
> pc virtual machine by mounting them. Problem 1 is that it always goes for
> the console-based installer. Problem 2 is that after clicking through the
> initial questions and choosing the 'Local CDROM' option, I get "The
> Scientific Linux CD was not found in any of your CDROM drives.". It also
> ejects the mounted cd image.
> I could not find any relevant documentation. Is anyone familiar with this
> kind of issue?

You would have to provide more detailed information. Which
virtualization software? Virsion? What is the host OS? When you say,
"mounted", did you actually mount the iso files on the host or did you
use the iso file itself as the installation source? etc etc.


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