A third version of this problem turned up ...

I tried to install from SL5.5-DVD using a DVD-player connected by USB.

Againg, the boot procedure starts (so I am sure the DVD can be found).
Then during the loading of USB-drivers the install-program looses track
of the DVD-iso...

It looks like the installer is loading the drivers in the wrong


Any idea ??


Carel van der Werf


From: owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov
[mailto:owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov] On Behalf Of
Werf, C.G. van der (Carel)
Sent: woensdag 1 december 2010 23:40
To: scientific-linux-us...@fnal.gov
Subject: RE: installing SL5.5 dvd iso into virtual pc



This looks exactly like the question I posted a few days ago about
installing SL5.5 from an iso-file on a bootable USB-key.

At exactly the same point in the startup sequence the installer mentions
it can not find the ISO-file. (but the bootstrap could, hence the
installer started)


Carel van der Werf



From: owner-scientific-linux-us...@listserv.fnal.gov on behalf of umage
Sent: Wed 01-Dec-10 22:06
To: scientific-linux-us...@fnal.gov
Subject: Re: installing SL5.5 dvd iso into virtual pc

On 1. 12. 2010 21:45, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 8:51 AM, umage <theultram...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm trying to install SL5.5 using the two dvd iso files into a
>> pc virtual machine by mounting them. Problem 1 is that it always goes
>> the console-based installer. Problem 2 is that after clicking through
>> initial questions and choosing the 'Local CDROM' option, I get "The
>> Scientific Linux CD was not found in any of your CDROM drives.". It
>> ejects the mounted cd image.
>> I could not find any relevant documentation. Is anyone familiar with
>> kind of issue?
> You would have to provide more detailed information. Which
> virtualization software? Virsion? What is the host OS? When you say,
> "mounted", did you actually mount the iso files on the host or did you
> use the iso file itself as the installation source? etc etc.
> Akemi
Pardon. The software is Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. Host OS is windows 7.
By mounting I mean inserting the iso image into the virtual cd/dvd
device that VPC emulates. The dvd boots and the initial choice menu
displays, and I can type in some commands. The console installer always
runs, even if I want to run the graphical one. I can choose the language
and keyboard, but after choosing the data source to be the virtual cd
drive, I get the abovementioned error and the image is ejected from the
virtual drive. I could try the remote http/ftp download method, but
first I'm asking here to avoid downloading 5 gigs again.

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