Nicolas Kovacs wrote on 04/13/2011 02:48 PM:
I'm aware this question could possible (also?) belong on the RPMForge
mailing list, though I'm not exactly sure.

Did you install the rpmforge-release package provided by SL?

Which third party repo do you guys recommend?

This seems like a pretty decent set, although I would be careful about mixing:

# yum groupinfo "Yum Repositories"
Loaded plugins: priorities, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Group Process

Group: Yum Repositories
Description: Various Yum Repositories. These are not supported by Scientific Linux but are here for your convenience.
 Optional Packages:

Personally ELRepo and RPMforge are my first choices, and I find Adobe is pretty safe. If I can't find what I'm looking for there I will venture (with extra caution) to EPEL and finally ATrpms.


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