On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:53 AM, Orion Poplawski <or...@cora.nwra.com> wrote:

>> RPMforge now offers two repos - [rpmforge] and [rpmforge-extras].
>> Packages in [rpmforge] will not have conflict with the distro ones
>> whereas those in [rpmforge-extras] may overwrite distro files.
>> Akemi
> AH yes, forgot about that.  I guess the packages it is wanting to replace on
> my machine mostly come from EPEL, not the SL repositories.
> But there is one:
> # yum list environment-modules
> Loaded plugins: downloadonly
> Installed Packages
> environment-modules.x86_64     3.2.7b-6.el6
> @anaconda-ScientificLinux-201102250955.x86_64
> Available Packages
> environment-modules.x86_64     3.2.8a-1.el6.rf     rpmforge

That one must have been missed. I will let Dag know. Thanks for reporting.


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