On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Hostetler, David B. (JSC-IT)[DB
Consulting Group, Inc.] <david.b.hostet...@nasa.gov> wrote:
> I have a lab box, running SL6 32 bit (AMD Sempron 3000+ 32 bit) with 2gb
> RAM, I have a test I would like to run with the thing and create a small
> virtual network in the box, but I am finding that I cannot do so, when I run
> virt-manager I get the following error….

libvirt is not one of Red Hat's best efforts at integration. Install
VirtualBox or VMware until you have time to play with this.

> Unable to open connection to hypervisor URI ‘qemu:///system’:
> No connection driver available for qemu:///system
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File “/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/connection.py”, line 992
> in_try_open
> I am guessing, but I could be wrong, since this doesn’t work in an
> installation of the “upstr4eam vendor 6.0” that the issue is most likely
> that KVM virtualization is not supported in the 32 bit kernel. Is that
> correct?
> I am making do using Virtual Box, but that adds additional overhead to a
> small machine to start with. I am really hoping to use kernel space
> virtualization if possible…
> Another option, if anyone might have a lead on it, I can always upgrade the
> CPU to an Athlon 64 Socket 754, but where can I find a good one? This is for
> a work related, but personal project, so the funding has to come out of my
> wallet…
> David B. Hostetler. RHCSA, Linux +, MCP
> System Adminstrator, ITAMS
> JSC Building 46, Room 110A
> email to: david.b.hostet...@nasa.gov
> 281-483-1495 Office           832-205-1585 Mobile
> ITAMS - Information Technology And Multimedia Services Contract
> “One Team, One Vision >> Partnered For Innovative Solutions”

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