Dear Sunil Sir,

Here are answers to your questions:-

1. DO an entry in /etc/fsab for /home like the following, but make sure
where it is actually mounted:-
# cat /etc/fstab

LABEL=/                              /                       ext3
defaults                       1 1

/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /home             ext3     defaults,usrquota
        1 2

LABEL=/home                    /home               ext3    defaults
                1 2

LABEL=/boot                      /boot                 ext3    defaults
                        1 2

tmpfs                                  /dev/shm          tmpfs   defaults
                        0 0

devpts                                /dev/pts            devpts
gid=5,mode=620         0 0

sysfs                                   /sys                  sysfs
defaults                        0 0

proc                                    /proc                 proc
defaults                        0 0

LABEL=SWAP-sda5          swap                 swap    defaults

# mount –o remount /home

# quotacheck –a /home (It will create a database file aquota.user at /home)

# quotaon /home            (means we have applied quota on /home)

# edquota –u username (to apply quota on a particular user).

# edquota sunil

File System                             blocks    soft       hard
            inodes             soft      hard

/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00                72                100000000
   100000000            18                             0              0

# edquota –t                   (To apply grace period)

Filesystem                               block grace period
                  inode grace period

/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00                7 days
                                                       7 days

2. Mount the 4TB free space in some mount point and then create  ext3 file
system in it using fdisk or
any other disk management tool.

Vivek Chalotra
GRID Project Associate,
High Energy Physics Group,
Department of Physics & Electronics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu 180006,

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Sunil M. Dogra <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Two Questions:
> 1. I would like to give specific disk space to users but I don't have /home
> in /etc/fstab. I will appreciate if some one will suggest me how to do disk
> quota management.
> 2. During SL5.5 installation I used 8TB disk space and  kept the 4TB disk
> space free, Now I want to use this 4TB as scratch, how will I do that.
> Thank you
> With Best Regards
> sunil

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