Andy Mastbaum writes:
> It's fine for 3G on laptops or whatever, but that's not really the
> target market of SL. The average SL user's needs are different from
> TUV's; this seems like a place where some changes to the
> distribution would make some sense.

Certainly one of the first things to go into a command line in a new SL
install for me is "rpm -e NetworkManager"

Then the next is to edit ifcfg-eth0 appropriately.  If you're getting
your network config from dhcp anyway, it's all of 4-5 lines and looks
the same for most machines anyway.  If you're a server admin, you've no
need for a gui (or a tui) to set the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
files options anyway - although I'll admit that I'm running on
experience here and that a documented template file would be a very nice
thing to have there if you don't already know what the options are.
Just something with all the different variables listed but commented
out, so someone with vi could go in there and uncomment or fill in
what's needed for their setup.

Is it worth one making one of the little SL configuration rpms which
blows up NetworkManager and creates a default DHCP config, call it
something like "server-dhcp-networkconfig", so this can happen at
install?  Would be easy to add a template file to that rpm too.  All of
FNAL's compute cluster nodes are going to need this anyway for when they
eventually go to 6.x or rolling them out will be a nightmare.

            Alec Habig, University of Minnesota Duluth Physics Dept.

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