On Wednesday, June 08, 2011 03:24:43 PM Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
> This is fine if I am the only manager of the computer.
> It is best if one could use the tools recommended by, supplied by
> and document by the vendor - I want to run "RHEL/SL Linux",
> not "Konstantin's Linux".

Wow.  You get it.  Majorly customized systems that are poorly documented are 
ticking timebombs; and you recognize that fact.  Bravo.  I agree with your 
assessment 100%.

> P.P.S. What about documentation for the NetworkManager?
> SL seems to use the "ifcfg-rh" plugin, so we go to
> that section, and behold, here are documented all the NM-special
> ifcfg-eth0 settings.

> Here is the URL, scroll down to the section "ifcfg-rh"
> http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/SystemSettings

Thanks so much for all that legwork; this is good information, and thank you 
for taking the time to pass it on to the list!

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