On Friday, June 17, 2011 10:54:45 AM you wrote:
> This seems to me a little bit weird. I am myself using KVM, but with 
> less than 32 GB on the host, and I am not aware that the system itself 
> (the host) becomes the first VM. I think it is doubtful, perhaps it 
> would stand better for Xen ?


KVM and Virtualization are both groups; installing the Virtualization group 
pulls in kernel-xen; this means you get a DomO instead of the kernel on bare 
metal, and you hit the DomO configured limit.

On a CentOS 5.6 box I have here:

# yum groupinstall Virtualization
Setting up Group Process
Checking for new repos for mirrors
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnome-applet-vm.i386 0:0.1.2-1.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: libxenstore.so.3.0 for package: gnome-applet-vm
---> Package kernel-xen.i686 0:2.6.18-238.12.1.el5 set to be installed
Dependencies Resolved
 gnome-applet-vm   i386     0.1.2-1.el5                         base       76 k
 kernel-xen        i686     2.6.18-238.12.1.el5                 updates    18 M
 libvirt           i386     0.8.2-15.el5_6.4                    updates   3.0 M
 virt-manager      i386     0.6.1-13.el5.centos                 updates   1.6 M
 virt-viewer       i386     0.0.2-3.el5                         base       25 k
 xen               i386     3.0.3-120.el5_6.2                   updates   1.9 M
Installing for dependencies:
 bridge-utils      i386     1.1-2                               base       27 k
 e4fsprogs-libs    i386     1.41.12-2.el5                       base      108 k
                   i386     2.16.0-3.el5                        base       16 k
 gtk-vnc           i386     0.3.8-3.el5                         base       80 k
 gtk-vnc-python    i386     0.3.8-3.el5                         base       12 k
 libvirt-python    i386     0.8.2-15.el5_6.4                    updates   234 k
 python-virtinst   noarch   0.400.3-11.el5                      base      380 k
 xen-libs          i386     3.0.3-120.el5_6.2                   updates   167 k
 xz-libs           i386     4.999.9-0.3.beta.20091007git.el5    base      100 k

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