
1- Hardware browser: lshw and lsw-gui, from the rpmforge repository, provide a detailed view of the various components of the hardware.

2- You can easily view all messages displayed during the boot process by removing rhgb and quiet paramaters from the kernel line in /boot/grub/grub.conf. Nevertheless, messages are stored in /var/log/ and can be browsed using dmesg or other current tools (system-config-log is a gui based tool which alllows a centralised and detailed view on the log files).

3- Assuming Firefox 4 32bit is installed on /opt create a /opt/firefox/plugins directory and copy (or symlink) the libflashplayer.so. Note that if you intend to install the Firefox 64bit, you would have to download and install the experimental Flash Plugin (currently flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710).

Best regards,

Le 18/06/2011 03:10, Yasha Karant a écrit :
I am very close to getting a fully functional (for my needs) SL 6 X86-64 workstation that supports both 64 bit and 32 bit applications.

Three things I have not been able to find:

1. a way to list the detected hardware on the system via a GUI or even as a long and often unreadable text file. Supposedly, RHEL 6 has hwbrowser to replace the application available on RHEL 5 and clones, but I have not found this. Any suggestions?

2. The grub or whatever switch / configuration file so that the actual boot process and starting processes list (including any failures) is displayed to the console rather than simply some icon (spinning under noveau, progress bar under regular xorg including the Nvidia proprietary driver).

3. how to make the proprietary Adobe Flash plugin work. This worked fine under 32 bit RHEL 5. I have gotten 32 bit Thunderbird to work so that I can use the goggle calendar connector for Lightning, 32 bit Firefox 4 to work (so I can get updates from Mozilla rather than waiting for a RPM to be ported from the Firefox source), etc., but the 32 bit Flash plug-in still misplays on the screen.


Yasha Karant

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