On Jun 19, 2011, at 04:59 , Yasha Karant wrote:

> I have installed lshw.  lshw does seem to give an extensive listing, but 
> lshw-gui does not seem to give much.  As with lshw, does lshw-gui need to be 
> run by root?
> Also, I have a real 1.44 Mbyte floppy drive installed that goes to the floppy 
> drive controller on the mother board (this particular MSI motherboard has 
> SATA, EIDE, and floppy controllers and connectors on the motherboard).  It 
> worked fine under RHEL 5 (CentOS 5.6) on this motherboard.  Under RHEL 6 (SL 
> 6), I find:
> ls -la /dev/fd/*
> ls: cannot access /dev/fd/255: No such file or directory
> ls: cannot access /dev/fd/3: No such file or directory
> lrwx------. 1 ykarant ykarant 64 Jun 18 19:49 /dev/fd/0 -> /dev/pts/0
> lrwx------. 1 ykarant ykarant 64 Jun 18 19:49 /dev/fd/1 -> /dev/pts/0
> lrwx------. 1 ykarant ykarant 64 Jun 18 19:49 /dev/fd/2 -> /dev/pts/0s
> but I cannot seem to access these via a mount, even as root, to access a 
> MS-DOS floppy.  Obviously, I am doing something wrong, but what? Moreover, 
> the mtools (that provides MS-DOS compatibility) used to access the floppy 
> drive as A: but now does nothing.  Presumably, once I understand how to 
> access the floppy drive, things will work.  Would a ln -s /dev/floppy to 
> /dev/fd/0 as well as a ln -s /dev/fd0 to /dev/fd/0 work?

Probably not ;-) Try  "echo 'I am not a floppy drive' > /dev/fd/1" for a hint 
what these actually are.

> Note that the output of lshw does not show the floppy drive, although the 
> hardware listing utility of RHEL 5 did show this. This is the same hardware 
> with no change to the motherboard BIOS -- the motherboard BIOS utility does 
> show the floppy.

Do floppy devices appear after "modprobe floppy"?

> I realize that this might have to be re-done upon the next upgrade (to SL 
> 6.1), but otherwise should work until /dev is overwritten.

It's created at boot time.

Stephan Wiesand
Platanenenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen, Germany

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