On Thu, 2011-07-28 at 14:26 +0200, Pere Casas Puig wrote:
> My experience with SL6 at the moment is very good.
> Now I'm looking to install Wine, but can not find it.
> I need to manage some RouterOS with WinBox
> I've been searching but only find by Centos and Fedora.
> I tried applying it to SL6, but I have not worked.
> Any ideas?

It's not part of the standard SL setup. You need to install the extra SL
I think it's part of the rpmforge repo.
If you use the gui System>Admin>AddRemoveSware, you will find an option
for SL Addons>Yum Repos.
You can enable them from here.
If you do a bit of searching, you will find a list of recommended SL6

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