It seems PHP is not enabled by default when httpd starts on SL
6.1.So,I installed packages php php-common etc. and when I read
through httpd.conf I do not see any LoadModule item related to PHP
(but in /usr/lib/httpd/modules/ there is a and when I do
httpd -l it is not statically integrated.More specifically,I deployed
the Pimcore CMS on apache DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ creating a
directory pimcore: /var/www/html/pimcore/ and to easily test if PHP is
working I put a index.php file with just this: <?php phpinfo; ?> and I
go to firefox and put http://localhost:80/ and apache is working I see
the splash screen,then I put http://localhost:80/pimcore/index.php the
browser finds the file but the PHP splash screen does not appear just
a blank page meaning apache is not using PHP.So what is the trick to
put apache working with PHP on SL 6.1? Thanks.

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