On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Luca Renaud <renaud.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It seems PHP is not enabled by default when httpd starts on SL
> 6.1.So,I installed packages php php-common etc. and when I read
> through httpd.conf I do not see any LoadModule item related to PHP

It's in /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf. Our favorite upstream vendor,
quite sensibly, includes all the config files from
/etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf as a means to allow packages to publish their
own configurations and not require direct editing of httpd.conf.

I personally like to add a separate include statement in httpd.conf
for SSL related configurations, to grab conf.d/*.conf.ssl files, and
allow me to have different behavior for HTTP and HTTPS. This is very
handy for separating services like Subversion for read-only on HTTP,
and password based access via HTTPS for write access, or for pointing
people on HTTP access to a refresh page that says "You should be using
HTTPS, switching in a moment to this URL".

> (but in /usr/lib/httpd/modules/ there is a libphp5.so) and when I do
> httpd -l it is not statically integrated.More specifically,I deployed
> the Pimcore CMS on apache DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ creating a
> directory pimcore: /var/www/html/pimcore/ and to easily test if PHP is
> working I put a index.php file with just this: <?php phpinfo; ?> and I
> go to firefox and put http://localhost:80/ and apache is working I see
> the splash screen,then I put http://localhost:80/pimcore/index.php the
> browser finds the file but the PHP splash screen does not appear just
> a blank page meaning apache is not using PHP.So what is the trick to
> put apache working with PHP on SL 6.1? Thanks.

It should be available. What happes if you set up a simple "index.php"
file in /var/www/html/test/index.php  and go to http://hostname/test/

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