On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 20:03 -0500, Phong Nguyen wrote:

> On 19 Oct 2011, at 1951, Always Learning wrote:
> > Who will compel the Far East PCB manufacturers to introduce 'extras' NOT
> > required to run Windoze 8 ?

> It isn't an "extra", any more than providing an option to change a boot disk 
> is, or setting a BIOS password, or guarding the MBR. They license 
> implementations from a handful of vendors who put that thing in, anyways! 

You should realise M$'s intention is to damage, if not effectively
destroy or reduce, the competition which primarily comes from Linux.
Preventing or otherwise hindering dual-booting is one of many desires
from Seattle.

> >> "At the end of the day, the customer is in control of their PC. ....
> > 
> > That has NEVER been true since the introduction of Windoze 95 !
> > 
> > A M$ Windoze computer belongs to M$. That is why Linux, BSD, Solaris
> > etc. are so liberating.
> > 
> I think you need to take another look at Microsoft. 

I have been doing precisely that in the last few days. The revelations I
have seen in law enforcement documentation utterly reinforces my
long-held concern M$ Windoze was designed to permit clandestine
third-party access and to secretly record the user's activities on the
user's computer. 

Perhaps you ought to be more inquisitive and re-examine your erroneously
held 'convictions' about sweet and gentle M$.

You will be writing next that Google is not the world's biggest spying
operation and it was never encouraged and funded by Uncle Sam, or more
acurately by the USA tax payers.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but when opinions are
presented as misleading facts, I occasionally object. Hope you don't
mind :-)

With best regards,


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