Hi g!

 On 2012.03.01 at 10:34:41 +0000, g wrote next:

> during recent update, yumex returned error;
> "Error checking package signatures:
>  Package jdk-1.6.0_31-fcs.i586.rpm is not signed"
> update completed via "yum --nogpgcheck update".

This package isn't part of SL system. If you have installed it manually,
it's up to you to deal with that problem. However, it could be that its
vendor (Oracle) actually signs it, but you didn't install oracle
repository files so its certificate was never installed; I'm not sure.

Unless you have some specific requirements, generally you can use
SL-supplied java-1.6.0-openjdk and java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel packages
instead of package above, then you won't have this kind of problem. But
if you are sure you strictly require Oracle Java implementation, then,
well, either deal with it, or try checking oracle website to see if you
are using recommended way of installing it.

(note that using nogpgcheck all the time or setting it in yum.conf is
a really bad and dangerous practice)



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