On 04/09/12 23:10, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 09, 2012 at 03:44:31PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
>> It's RH's right as a distribution to decide to make us choose between
>> vi and nm-connection-editor
> Well, within limits. Otherwise you have user rebelions, etc. I guess they use 
> Fedora as a thermometer.
>> in the same way that it decided to drop
>> sysvinit for upstart in v6 and will almost certainly drop upstart for
>> systemd in v7. I've never used any of the system-config-* tools ...
> Another boring shuffle, yawn. I already start all important daemons and do all
> non-trivial network configuration from /etc/rc.local. (Obviously
> only for stuff one does not need at boot time).
> Would be fun to see them try to deprecate vi and rc.local.
Given that rc.local does NOT work in F16, i think everyone will have a
lot of fun...

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